Early Years news

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The Dolphins are settling into the class very well. They have all been exploring and investigating the new environment and playing with what they are interested in. They have been busy making marks, printing shapes and finger painting with the…
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Learning in Owls

The Owls have been learning about colours and shapes.  The children have developed their mathematical skills by constructing and arranging shapes in different ways, sequencing and making patterns with cubes and exploring the colour investigation…
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Shapes and colours – Ducks

This week, the Ducks have been focussing their learning on shapes and colours with Elmer the Elephant which is our story of the week. We made a large Elmer collage for display, jumped and stomped on different shapes as we said their names, fed…

Blue Rabbits assembly

The Blue Rabbits have been learning about the different seasons earlier this month. They created their own sentences for their assembly and performed songs related to their Seasons topic. Very well done!  

Chinese New Year

Early Years had a great day celebrating the new Chinese year of the rat. They took part in dragon dancing, using chopsticks, Chinese writing, using gold and red paint and making lanterns. The children had a wonderful time!