Education Project – More information


Teachers may help students develop their learning by giving them creative tasks such as:

  •  Create a mind map of differing revision techniques.
  •  Use the internet, your textbook and your workbook to create 5 exam style questions on a particular topic.
  • Create a revision project with a partner using flashcards
  • Which do you think was your weakest paragraph/answer? Redraft it to improve it.
  • Trial a new method for learning keywords, feedback to the class next week.
  • Find a resource that can be shared with the class that furthers your understanding of topic or a resource that can be used to help organise your revision.
  • Send me a resource that helps you explain this topic
  • Create a flashcards of the key words you need for this unit (can be online)
  • Create a powerpoint to help other revise this topic
  • Come up with 10 questions that may be included on the exam
  • Choose a part of the test/exam/activity that you failed and rework the exercise.
  • Can you write a scheme about the last topic you have learnt in class?
  • Work on a presentation and self-assess whether it meets the success criteria.
  • STEM based activities with problem solving aspects.
  • Self evaluation forms and self marking providing the success criteria.
  • Review an exemplar exam answer. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the work. Prepare this for discussion at the next lesson.
  • Peer review another students work to feedback.
  • Create a checklist of the revision work to be completed in preparation for the assessment and RAG rate your progress.
  • Self-correct work completed in the lessons.
  • Research task but with page numbers of the textbook – google is not your friend in Science! Mind map and integrate 3 different topics.
  • Develop exam style questions from a set of answers – pitched to key stage 3.
  • Research related to current topic.
  • Extra reading via pdf book resources on my google site.