Health Education

Health Education

We are pleased to introduce Miss Melanie who is part of our Covid-19 Health and Safety Committee and will play a key role in leading the health education aspect of the student’s learning this year.

Melanie is a qualified nurse, and teacher, is bilingual, and has worked in schools in the UK as a health education specialist.

Melanie is secretary of the Health Education in Schools association (ASOCIACIÓN CIENTÍFICA ESPAÑOLA DE

ENFERMERÍA Y SALUD ESCOLAR ACEESE) which, among other things, meets with the Minister of education advising on the implementation of nursing specialists into school environments.

Melanie led the successful return of our summer school after confinement and is the Saturday School coordinator.

She is also leading the health education project within the school.

Melanie will work with the SEN department to address learning difficulties and educational health care plans within the school community.

We have created a Health Education resource page on our website for parents, students and staff.