At Oakley College our Careers programme spans all three Key Stages. Starting in KS3, the Year 7 & 8 students begin goal setting both for their education and future careers, they also start to look at recognising their strengths and weaknesses, the skills they believe they possess and how these can be used to reach their goals. In Year 9, careers lessons concentrate on their IGCSE options and how to choose the best subjects for their future aspirations.
At KS4 their careers lessons then move on to how to study successfully for their future exams, how to get the most out of their work experience and community service and continuing to improve their skills. In Year 11 they will investigate different career options and which A Level subjects would best fit their career aspirations.
At KS5 the career lessons then concentrate on university options and requirements. They will learn about different university systems around the world, including the UK, Netherlands, Ireland and the USA and the application processes for each. In Year 13 students then concentrate on writing their applications, including personal statements and motivational letters. They will be given one-to-one advice and guidance from the school’s university adviser and have the opportunity to take part in university fairs and presentations given by university representatives.
Pupils will also be given access to Unifrog. Unifrog is a platform used by schools and colleges to help students make decisions about their future. Unifrog allows students to research universities around the globe and provides information and impartial advice on how to complete applications for university entrance. It also has information on a wide variety of careers and pathways into those careers. All of this combined helps students gain a wider understanding of the options available to them beyond their school education. More information can be found here:
Education beyond Exams
We believe in an education that goes beyond just exams. Our students are therefore challenged to develop their skills in leadership, problem solving. teamwork, communication, initiative and cultural sensitivity and awareness,
The 6th Form is the culmination of two years of extended personal development and provides evidence to external bodies and universities of each student’s skills and capacities.
Our senior students work towards either the Spanish Bachillerato, the Internationally accepted A-Levels or a dual award of both. All students obtain the official certification in English (C1 or C2) with Cambridge exams.
Our aim is to encourage in our students a passion for excellence, social commitment and critical thinking, helping them to achieve both academic and personal success.
In the final two years of education in school, students can select one of three options as their route to university.
1.The Spanish route, 2.The International Route or 3. the Double Route.
Spanish subjects:
Lengua, Spanish as a second language, Sociales (Geography and History of Spain)
English medium subjects:
English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, German, French, Art and design, Physical education –Sports (international schools competitions), Media Studies, Business Studies
EBAU Specific subjects:
Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Maths 1, Maths 2, Business, Geography, Foundations of art.
All our students are also entered for Cambridge English Language exams.
- FCE (First Certificate in English)
- CAE (Certificate in Advanced English)
- CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English)
Life skills:
1. HEALTH AND WELLBEING: Self-concept, Mental health and emotional wellbeing, Healthy lifestyles, Managing risk and personal safety, Sexual health, Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
2. RELATIONSHIPS: Relationship values, Forming and maintaining respectful relationships, Consent, Contraception and parenthood, Bullying, abuse and discrimination
3. LIVING IN THE WIDER WORLD: Choices and pathways, Work and career, Employment rights and responsibilities, Financial choices, Media literacy and digital resilience