Sixth Form is the British name for the last two years of school from age 16-18. At Oakley College our students specialise by picking a small number of subjects to study for their final exams, called “A Levels” which is equivalent to the Spanish system FASE Basica. With this they can study anywhere in the world.
Students also study FASE Especifica subjects in school in Spanish if they wish to attend a Spanish University.
Our University access program is uniquely designed to best prepare students for university in the UK, Spain, EU and US by high academic knowledge, resilience and a problem solving mindset.
Through personalised support, we are able to combine students results from different exams to get them the best possible grades to access the university of their choice.
University Destinations
Our students go on to study at some of the best institutions worldwide.
For a recent list of universities in Spain, UK, EU and US, click here
Our academic results
For a detailed list of our students most recent academic results click here
How does the University application process work for Spanish Universities?
To access international universities requires your A Levels.
To access Spanish Universities, requires your A levels + 2 FASE Especifica subjects.
Our students can do both A Levels and FASE Especifica, granting them more chances of getting into University in Spain, the UK, EU, US and other international destinations.
Advanced Level (A-level)
In order to guide our students in their choice of university degrees and faculties, we have specialist teachers who advise and counsel the students in their subject choices. We organise visits to university fairs and university campuses so that students can see first-hand the wide range of courses on offer and make an informed decision.
At Oakley College we offer the following A Level courses and students choose 4 to study:
Art and Design, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Digital Media and Design, English, English Literature, French, Further Mathematics, Geography, German, History, Mathematics, Physical Education, Physics, Spanish, Spanish as a Second Language
These A-Level subject exams give direct access to international universities OR up to 10 points in the Spanish system, being validated /replacing PAU Basica.
PAU Específica
The 4 A-Levels chosen from the options above can be complemented by PAU specific exams to add the additional 4 points to access the most competitive university courses in Spain. Students can study 2 subjects from the Spanish curriculum (the same subjects as two of their A-Levels) which are relevant to their future studies, and which are assessed through the Pruebas de Competencia (Proficiency Tests):
Matemáticas I, Matemáticas II, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English, Business, Art, Geography
Why study Sixth Form at Oakley College?
- Focus on your natural abilities:
- Compared to other university access exams, A Levels give students the advantage of being able to focus on students strengths for the final two years of school and study the subjects that best suit their natural abilities and interests.
- More related knowledge of degree topic:
- In-depth and profound study in their three or four chosen subjects means more direct and indirect speciality knowledge in their future degrees giving an advantage when applying to universities both in Spain and abroad.
- Individualised attention:
- Small class sizes, individual tutor monitoring, progress reports, university application assistance and drop in wellbeing checks. We are able to support you to achieve your goals for your next steps into adulthood.
- Life Skills:
- University and the job market are much more than just grades. Developing resilience, interpersonal skills, problem solving and being aware of our mental health are all important for successful adulthood. At Oakley we approach all of these areas during weekly classes and community volunteering.
- Pau Específica:
- Our students going to University in Spain complete the Pau Especifica subjects (if their course requires it) right here in school, in Spanish, at no extra cost, to reach the highest possible grade of 14. The subjects they pick are the same as the ones they are doing in English, “e.g. chemistry & química.” The content of the subjects is duplicated in both languages making it easier to learn and sit the exams.
- Dual route
- By completing your A Levels and Fase Especifica subjects, you have a “Dual Route” to University and can change where you choose to study once your results arrive. e.g.
- You want to study medicine in Gran Canaria. Your first choice is in the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, your second choice is at University of Sussex, UK and third choice Ghent University in Belgium. If your results are not high enough to get into ULPG you could still study medicine at Sussex or Ghent University using your A Levels, giving you more chances of getting into where you want to study.
- Plan Bolonia:
- University degrees in Spain have changed since the introduction of the Plan Bolonia. Spanish University degrees now have more in common with the British system- the number of years of study, emphasis on active learning, less direct memorisation, individualised learning and teamwork. These are all pillars of the British Education system, giving our students a competitive edge when they first enter university.
- International Curriculum and Cultural Exposure:
- The UK A-Level curriculum, provides an international perspective to your education, broadening cultural awareness and perspectives that are beneficial for students planning to understand the world and excel at higher education and work, both internationally and at home.
- Language Proficiency:
- More and more universities all over the world require a level of English proficiency for part or the whole of the degree and subsequent jobs. (e.g. English is the language of Academia and Research). Our students leave school with a language advantage compared to many of their peers.
- Cambridge Language Certificates
- Our students prepare for and sit the Cambridge Language Exams in school with ease, removing the need to attend afternoon language schools, freeing up afternoons for activities, sports and relaxation.
- Combine results to obtain your highest possible grade:
- Through combining A levels with FASE Especifica, our students can resit exams if they think they could achieve a higher grade, remove the mark of your weakest subject for university calculations or do extra subjects to increase your grade total. Our students can also sit Spanish exams designed for British students and even duplicate their knowledge for different exams at A-Level and Fase Especifica. To learn more about combining your grades depending on where and what you want to study, please contact to learn what personalised combination best suits your needs depending on what you want to study and where.
How does the University application process work?
To attend university anywhere in the world, our students sit 3 or 4 A-Levels and use these results for university access.
To study in Spain, students also need to study an additional two FASE Especifica subjects at school to opt for the maximum 14 points.
Do A-Levels prepare my child for university in Spain?
Yes. Our students achieve on average higher university marks and have a lower drop out rate than the equivalent students studying Bachillerato in the Spanish system. A levels prepare students for problem solving, using information creatively and not just relying on memorisation.
Does my child need to study FASE Básica if they want to study in Spain?
No. At Oakley you study 3-4 subjects and sit the A Level exams for those subjects. These are equivalent to the Fase Básica.
The FASE Básica consists of studying 8 subjects and sitting 4 related exams.
What is the difference between letter and number grades? e.g. ABC, 13, 320
Letters and numbers are all different ways of grading and they all are equivalent to each other. A Levels use letters from A to E, FASE uses numbers from 1-14 and UCAS uses numbers from 1-400.
What are UCAS points?
UCAS points are the grade system used to apply to universities anywhere in the world. You can turn A level grades or FASE grades into UCAS points. e.g. A = 48 UCAS points.
Are A Levels different to IB?
The A Levels and IB are similar qualifications you can complete from 16-18 years old to access university. At Oakley College we teach our students A Levels because we strongly believe that they offer the best route to University worldwide and in Spain out of all educational systems, for both high achieving students as well as less academic students.
British and Spanish year group equivalents
How does validation of secondary education work at Oakley College?
Validation (Convalidación) is the process by which Spanish authorities recognise Secondary education has been achieved. This includes external examinations, and internal Spanish language and Spanish studies studies have been achieved.
This process recognises that completion of:
Year 11 = 4º ESO (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria)
Year 13 = Bachillerato
- 4 (I)GCSEs with grade C or higher (this can include Spanish IGCSE)
- You must pass the Spanish* and Humanities internal examinations, which are based on the Spanish curriculum. These examinations are inspected and validated by the Spanish authorities.
- The Validation certificate from Year 11 5 GCSEs with grade C or higher 2 A levels* at grade E or higher or 2xAS and 1xA level with grade E or higher
Validation is required at the end of Year 13 if students wish to continue onto Spanish vocational qualifications at higher level although it is not required for entry into a Spanish University.
More Questions?
If you have any more questions, get in touch for a email, call or meeting with our Head of University applications and get the answers you are looking for.