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Frequently Asked Questions – Return to school Action Plan
Please refer to the Return to school Action Plan for the details of how the school will restart and the protocols involved. We all need to work together to ensure the health and safety of our community.
Q. How can the school ensure that the students maintain the recommended 1.5m distance throughout the day?
A. All staff and students from Y2 upwards will wear masks when in the school.
From Y7 students will wear masks in the classroom as well. The classrooms, staff rooms, play areas, dining rooms and all areas used by the children and staff have been adapted to allow for the social distancing and bubbles to happen. All seating has also been adapted to adhere to the requirements.
The staff and children will undergo specific Health and Safety training related to the preventative measures and practices necessary to reduce the possibility of infections. All children and staff will get regular reminders to adhere to the agreed Health and Safety protocols. Depending on the age and maturity of the child, some will need regular reminders to maintain the required distance between them and their classmates. Children like adults will be encouraged to respect the protocols but they are wholly dependent on the ability and cooperation of all concerned complying.
Q. How can the school ensure all adults and parents follow the school Return to School protocol?
A. The school community, like society, play their own part in ensuring that we respect the protocols and measures for optimum health and safety. We are ALL invested in this process. The school organisation will need the full cooperation of students, staff and parents working together.
Q. How many children are going to be in a bubble?
A. The bubbles refer to the class group in Primary and the year group in Secondary.
We will respond to any government directives if instructed to alter the number in any group.
Q. Siblings in different classes and year groups will break the bubbles, how does this work?
A. We are placing twins from the same year group in Primary into the same class to reduce the number of others they mix with. Twins in secondary will remain in their year groups practicing social distancing.
Q. Brothers and sisters from different classes and groups will break the bubbles when they return home.
A. The bubbles are a concept to contain the children and reduce the risk of infection whilst at school.
Q. In secondary classes students have different teachers for each subject how will this work?
A. Students in secondary, will have a home classroom. The students will be based in this home classroom and the secondary teachers will move from one home class room to another during the day.
Secondary student bubble groups are year groups (in Primary they are class groups).
Each secondary year group bubble has groups that separate for German and French. Secondary students will be placed in whole year group bubbles so any possible infections are reduced. This is an additional safety step taken by the school to reduce infections as much as possible.
Q. Are the adults and staff in school Covid free?
A. All Oakley staff will have a Covid antibody test prior to starting classes with children. Anyone who is ill will follow our protocols (see Return to school Action Plan) and the government Covid health procedures.