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The Secondary department aims to build on the pupils’ ability to think for themselves and develop further their work ethos, enabling them to confidently tackle any task they encounter.
We nurture their learning whilst also stressing the importance of learning autonomously and developing good study habits.
This is strengthened by the teaching methods used – investigative projects, oral presentations with discussions and debates.
Our goal is to give students the necessary learning tools and habits that will serve them for a lifetime.
Spanish subjects:
- Lengua
- Sociales (Geography and History of Spain)
English medium subjects:
- English
- maths
- science
- history
- geography
- German or French
- art and design
- music
- physical education –Sports (international schools competitions)
- computing
Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9)
The KS3 curriculum is designed to ensure students engage with a broad and balanced range of subjects. There is an increased depth of knowledge in each subject through learning provided by subject specialists. This provides all students with a thorough and solid foundation from which students can go on to explore in any direction they choose, before progressing to the more specialised curriculum in Key Stage 4.
Languages, Literature and the Humanities are taught alongside Science, Mathematics, ICT, Art and Music.The curriculum introduces a third language (German or French) which students will follow through to GCSE, and also Spanish Social Studies, which is taught in Spanish.
Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)
Key Stage 4 represents a two-year programme in which most of the courses studied by students will progress to GCSE or IGCSE qualifications.
This is the first point at which the range of subjects studied begins to narrow, and students must think carefully about their areas of interest, in the subjects and in terms of their possible future studies and their career aspirations. The programmes become significantly more specialised, which provides increased challenge and interest for the students.
(Successful completion of a minimum of 4 IGCSE´s converts to the resolución de homoglagación which is required if a student changes to a Spanish education system at the end of Y11).
The high level of challenge in the programmes at Key Stage 4 strongly supports the vision of a confident learning community: the skills, attitudes and mutual support developed through the Key Stage 3 programme and through the ongoing focus on Responsibility for Learning will enable students to successfully meet the demands of the courses.
Successful completion of these exams is the first step towards accessing university entrance.
Life skills:
Mental health and emotional wellbeing
Healthy lifestyles
Science garden
Health related decisions
Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
Managing risk and personal safety
Puberty and sexual health
Duke of Edinburgh award scheme
Positive relationships
Relationship values
Forming and maintaining respectful relationships
Bullying, abuse and discrimination
Social influences
Learning skills
Choices and pathways -University entry
Work and careers -Community service
Employment rights and responsibilities -Student council
Financial choices
Media literacy and digital resilience
Study skills