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Shapes and colours – Ducks

This week, the Ducks have been focussing their learning on shapes and colours with Elmer the Elephant which is our story of the week. We made a large Elmer collage for display, jumped and stomped on different shapes as we said their names, fed…
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Sport news

Last weekend the Third International Halloween Regatta in the optimist mode took place in Playa Blanca - Lanzarote. Adriana Arencibia, sailor for the Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, achieved a deserved second place in the Under 13 Female…

Hello Yellow

Este viernes vamos a decir "Hola Amarillo" y dar visibilidad a la salud mental de las personas jóvenes. Trae una prenda de color amarillo y 1€ para donar a la Asociación de Salud Mental
Oakley College School Photo

Home School Agreement (updated 4.9.2020)

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Guía de actuación

Actions in case of a confirmed Covid case in school

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  Please be advised that this morning the President of the Canary Islands has added that International schools, as well as Spanish schools cannot open until the 15th September. The government will have a meeting on the 10th  September…
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Miguel S

Year 8 – Slavery Memorabilia

Last term the students in Year 8 were learning about slavery. As an end of unit project they were asked to create a piece of memorabilia to commemorate the abolition of slavery. These are some of the pieces they produced.